Los rutinarios razonan con la lógica de los demás. Disciplinados por el deseo ajeno, encajónense en su casillero social y se catalogan como reclutas en las filas de su regimiento. Son dóciles a la presión del conjunto, maleables bajo el peso de la opinión publica que los achata como un inflexible laminador. Reducidos a vanas sombras, viven del juicio ajeno; se ignoran a si mismos, limitándose a creerse como se creen los demás. Los hombres Excelentes, en cambio, desdeñan la opinión ajena en la justa proporción en que respetan la propia, siempre más severa, o la de sus iguales.
Son zafios, sin creerse por ello desgraciados. Si no presumieran de razonables, su absurdidad enternecería. Oyéndoles hablar una hora parece que esta tuviese mil minutos. La ignorancia es un verdugo, como lo fue otrora del siervo y lo es aun del salvaje; ella los hace instrumentos de todos los fanatismos, dispuestos a la domesticidad, incapaces de gestos dignos. Enviarían en comisión a un lobo y a un cordero, sorprendiéndose sinceramente si el lobo volviera solo. Carecen de buen gusto y de la aptitud para adquirirlo. Si el humilde guía de museo no los detiene con insistencia, pasan indiferentes junto a una madona del Angélico o un Retrato de Rembrandt y a la salida se asombran ante cualquier escaparate donde haya oleografías de toreros españoles o generales americanos.
José Ingenieros: La mediocridad intelectual.
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Everything about horse betting
So what is wrong with horse racing? Well, for lack of a better answer... horse racing. By that we mean the tradition mired establishment of horse racing where "because we've always done it that way" seems to be the golden rule.
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The style of racing, the distances and the type of events varies very much by the country in which the race takes place, and many countries offer different types of horse races.
The Triple Crown stands as the ultimate test of greatness, and that's why on the first Saturday in May each year, America's thoughts turn to horse racing and the hope of just one more Triple Crown winner. Because we do, after all, need another hero.
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Brother Derek with Alex Solis up finished in a dead heat for fourth in the Derby, 9 1/2 lengths back after being steadied twice. With a career record of 6 wins out of 9 starts (3 out of 4 this year) Brother Derek had 4 straight wins before the Derby.
6.) Play your online bingo game at a site with less or balanced number of players. Winning chances in overcrowded games is low.
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Bingo is a fantastic game and is fast becoming one of the most popular forms of entertainment on the internet, our advice is to have fun and be safe, we wish you all the luck in the world with your bingo playing, thanks for reading.
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Your aim would be to cover the prescribed pattern with the bingo letters, by coordinating the letters and numbers called. The patterns can be anything like, u shape, t shape, etc, though it usually is horizontal or vertical. As soon as you get the pattern, you should shout bingo and you get the prize. In case there are others who shouted at the same time as you, the prize will be shared among all winners.
12.) Coveralls and Blackouts are longer bingo games. Probability of successive numbers coming together is higher in such games. Hence, change your play accordingly and choose appropriate cards for winning at these games in online bingo. [url=http://www.bingokisses.com]online games bingo[/url] The game of online bingo proceeds with the calling of different numbers within 75. You need to notice the trend of the first ten or twelve called numbers to understand the system in operation. If the first called number is say G52, probability of the next number not ending in 2 is higher as there are fewer numbers ending in two than in other digits. [url=http://www.bingokisses.com]free bingo money[/url] With so many different casino and gaming sites on the Internet, it is difficult to know which ones are legitimate and which ones are not. After all, if you want to join the gaming community, you have to decide whether you want to play for money or for fun and prizes. If the former, it is more pertinent to find out what sites are legitimate since you do not want to invest cash into something that is not going to give you a return on your investment.
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In bingo, each player will get a sheet, which has six cards with a total of 90 numbers. On each one of these bingo cards, you will find 27 spaces grouped in 9 columns x 3 rows format. Each number is unduplicated; hence, it will not be repeated anywhere else in the sheet.
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